Our Journey
The Creation of Our Local Curriculum
Whaiwhia te kete mātauranga - Fill the basket of knowledge
In order to create a meaningful and efficient local curriculum we knew that it was imperative that we consult with whanau, students, staff, BOT, local iwi / mana whenua and our local community. Consultation was and continues to be ongoing to adapt and strengthen our local curriculum. We will continue this process to keep it alive and relevant to our tamariki.
Parent / Whanau Hui
Whanau members including parents, siblings, grandparents and other wider whanau came together along with members of the BOT to discuss the following...
What is the most important thing for our child/children after 6 years at Dawson?
What types of skills do you think are important for students to learn while at Dawson?
What types of attitudes do you think are important for great learning?
Further BOT Consultation
The BOT were also provided with the following questions to help develop our graduate profile and what they see to be of key importance for a child during their time at Dawson - Feedback
Consultation with Maori Whānau
In addition to the questions asked in the parent hui, whānau were asked... as a whānau what do you see as a priority for Māori students at Dawson. - Feedback
Student Consultation
Students undertook surveys and were interviewed about the things that mattered most to them. - Feedback
Some of the key questions focussed on their thoughts about
The skills that are important to learn at school
The attitudes important for great learning
What they liked learning about at school
What else they would like to learn about
What is important for our community to focus on
What they want to do or be when they leave school
Staff Consultation
The staff have been involved in a number of meetings and PD around designing our local curriculum. These have invovlved learning about the histoy of Otara and Dawson Primary, identifying the areas that are of significance or importance in our community, looking at the skills and attitudes essential for the students we teach and designing a pathway for our students learning. Some of this information was used to gather feedback from students, whanau, the BOT and our local community.
Community Consultation
We went out into the local community and spoke to a number of buisnesses and organisations about the skills and attitudes that they though were important for our tamariki to learn and be a part of their business or organisation - Feedback
Iwi / Mana Whenua
We have begun to develop a relationship with Ngāti Tamaoho and have attended workshops with students and staff in the development of their strategic plan. We are also working with them for our teacher only days to learn more about the history of our local area and focus on the following:
Kingitanga hitori e paa ana ki a maatou
Ki o rahi
Paepae me oona kawa
Ngaa whakairo
Manaaki tangata